Omas Rezept

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2022

Sleep magic

Words written by your dream

felt like they were never heard

in the first breath of the morning

I return to the world that disappears

Right after my alarm clock ringing

Dreams are very telling

not like how you have said it

Because life was never easy on you

And you observe flashes and streams

Sleep magic can't be applied

I want to fall into the hug of the moon

But the beam keeps me awake at night

Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2022

Ich bete zu meiner Göttin
die mir eine Visite erstattet
sobald die Ampeln auf Grün schalten
die Lampen glühen aus
Um meinen Sichtwinkel
meine Lider bleiben starr


Are we talking enough

about talking

enough about talking

Mittwoch, 23. November 2022

Staro doba

Sa balkona u hladu

užasna vrućina

Sjedimo mirno

pod suncubranom

Gledamo tko prolazi

Govoreći o selu

Tko je bio u crkvi, a tko nije

Već je poslijepodne

i želimo ići na more

ali nitko nece da nas vozi

To vrijeme je proslo

Danas nemam sunca

koje djeluje kao sat

U jednom dahu

Pitas li me

mozes me ljubiti

prestala sam disati

sve je krivo u vezi s tim

to je bio nas kraj

to je bio good bye

nema tom spas

nije to zivot za nas

U jednom dahu but why

je to tvoj obicaj

unistit sve

od neba do dna

od dana u dan

dao si mi odbacaj

Dienstag, 15. November 2022

A friend wrote me
I found it hard to respond
It was a simple question
I said so myself

I understand
that I am your friend
so you can't tell
then forget it

Speak with me
I will reply
in my own words